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Download Coloring Books For Kids With Phonics - A to Z Animals - 52 Favorite Animals Kids Love To Color With Phonics Kindle Online


Coloring Books For Kids With Phonics - A to Z Animals - 52 Favorite Animals Kids Love To Color With Phonics
Author:Ibu Aba Books
Published on 2018-05-07 by Independently Published

Available formats: PDF, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Audiobook

Book Description :

★★★Does your little one love scribbling or plays a lot with animals? then this is the perfect book for him/her to explore more creativity by coloring and learning different types of animals with phonics instead of watching some dump cats or dogs running here and there on Youtube not helping them but damaging their brain development at this age.★★★ This book consists of large full page 52 kids favorite animals in order of letter A to Z (26 letters x 2 each) for both boys and girls, ages 2-8 who have just started to learn colors and sounds or love to have fun with them. Under each animal sketch is the name of the animal in lower case as well as all caps so that your little angel can color and learn the sounds and names of each of them. This book makes learning to read with phonics fun for kids as they play with their color pens or crayons. In this process, they get exposed to pictures, colors, writing and learn to spell names by coloring, so to help them develop both left and right side of their brain. It consists of large prints with thick black lines to make it easy to color. Packed with pages and pages of animals of all types including aligator, ant, bat, bear, cat, cow, and many more! Some of the features: Pure white paper for clear color effects Large Prints on 8.5 x 11 inches pages Perfect coloring book with phonics as a great gift for boys, girls, and kids of all ages Animals such as: Alligator Ant Bat Bear Cat Cow Dog Duck Eel Elephant Fish Frog Giraffe Goat Hippopotamus Horse Iguana Inset Jaguar Jelly Fish Kangaroo Koala Lion Lobster Monkey Mouse Newt Numbat Octopus Owl Parrot Penguin Quail Quoll Rabit Rhino Seal Spider Tiger Turtle Uakari Unicon Vicuna Vulture Walrus Whale X-raytetra Xerus Yak Yellowlegs Zebra Zebra Shark This books falls in below categories: coloring books new coloring book boys coloring book girls coloring book kids coloring books animal coloring book children's animal book coloring books for kids toddler coloring books coloring books for boys coloring books for girls animal coloring books for toddlers most popular children coloring book animal coloring books for preschoolers animal coloring books for kids ages 2-4 animal coloring books for kids ages 4-8 Click on |Look Inside| or on the Kindle Book cover to have a quick preview. ★Scroll Up & Click On |Add To Cart| Button Now. You Will Be Amazed How Your Little Angel Is Exploring Its Creativity Through Coloring★
  • Author -Ibu Aba Books
  • Format BOOK | 110 Pages
  • Published 2018-05-07 by Independently Published
  • Language en
  • Category
  • ISBN10 1981017542
  • ISBN13 9781981017546

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

Ebook Available formats: PDF, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Audiobook


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