Download La selva (Forest World) Book Free
La selva (Forest World)
Author:Margarita Engle
Published on 2019-02-26 by Simon and Schuster
Available formats: PDF, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Audiobook

Book Description :
Now in Spanish, award-winning author Margarita Engle’s lively middle grade novel in verse about a Cuban-American boy who visits his family’s village in Cuba for the first time—and meets a sister he didn’t know he had. Edver isn’t happy about being shipped off to Cuba to visit the father he barely knows. Yet now that travel laws have changed and it’s a lot easier for divided families to be reunited, his mom thinks it's time for some father-son bonding. Edver doesn’t know what this summer has in store, but he’s definitely not expecting to meet a sister he didn’t know existed! Luza is a year older and excited to see her little brother, until she realizes how different their lives have been. Looking for anything they might have in common, they sneak onto the internet—and accidentally catch the interest of a dangerous wildlife poacher. Edver has fought plenty of villains in video games. Now, to save the Cuban jungle they love, he and Luza are going to have to find a way to conquer a real villain! A Edver no le hace ninguna gracia que lo envíen a Cuba a ver al padre que apenas conoce. Sin embargo, ahora que las leyes de viaje han cambiado y es mucho más fácil reunir a las familias divididas, su mamá piensa que es hora de que padre e hijo pasen tiempo juntos. Edver no se imagina lo que le depara el verano, ¡pero definitivamente no espera conocer a la hermana que ni siquiera sabía que existía! Luza es un año mayor y está muy entusiasmada por conocer a su hermanito, hasta que se da cuenta de cuán diferentes han sido sus vidas. A la busca de cualquier cosa que puedan tener en común, se meten en internet y accidentalmente atraen la atención de un peligroso cazador de animales salvajes. Edver ha luchado contra muchísimos villanos en los videojuegos. Ahora, para salvar la selva que tanto quieren, ¡Luza y él tendrán que encontrar un modo de derrotar a un villano real!- Author -Margarita Engle
- Format BOOK | 224 Pages
- Published 2019-02-26 by Simon and Schuster
- Language es
- CategoryJuvenile Fiction
- ISBN10 153442931X
- ISBN13 9781534429314
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in es
Ebook Available formats: PDF, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Audiobook
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